Rally4Babies: Learning Happens from the Start is a national virtual rally being held July 8th, 2013. This rally intended to spark a conversation across the country to highlight the importance of early learning starting at birth. The virtual rally and the companion petition are designed to raise up the voices of the early childhood field, parents, and concerned members of the public, so that collectively we spark a national conversation to advance early learning beginning at birth and drive huge support to demand that high-quality early learning opportunities for babies remain a priority.
The rally is being held in conjunction with the Strong Start for Children coalition in an effort to get people talking about the importance of early learning birth to five. The event will feature U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Actress Jennifer Garner and popular children’s musician Laurie Berkner.
Learn more and sign the petition urging the Administration and Congress to increase investments in early learning for babies and toddlers at: http://rally4babies.org/
Tune in to the rally at: www.rally4babies.org/community
Rally4Babies: Learning Happens from the Start will take place virtually via Google+ Hangouts on Air and transmitted via YouTube, so anyone can watch and participate in the rally via a dedicated YouTube link, no matter where they are.
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Increase In Provider Rates Effective July 1, 2013
The Iowa Legislature has authorized a 4% increase in provider rates. Child care providers may be eligible for a rate increase under the state child care assistance (CCA) program effective July 1, 2013.
This week DHS will be mailing a letter to the active licensed, school-based/exempt, and CDH’s listed in Kinder Track child care provider portal. Click on the link to download the letter: CCA DHS Provider Rate Letter.
- The letter outlines the new state maximum rates for the CCA program. As a reminder, the CCA program cannot reimburse providers at a higher rate than their “private pay” rate.
- The letter also gives instructions for providers who would like to have their rates reviewed/adjusted under a new CCA Provider Agreement.
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April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. We all can play a part in preventing child maltreatment and promoting emotional well-being in children, families, and communities. Learn about how you can help raise awareness during April and throughout the year by visiting the 2013 National Child Abuse Prevention Month web section on the Information Gateway website. Features include:
- Preventing Child Maltreatment and Promoting Child Well-Being: Network to Action 2013 Resource Guide
- Tip sheets addressing particular parenting concerns or questions—in English and Spanish—to distribute to parents and caregivers
- Three calendars with activities relating to the six protective factors, available in English and Spanish
- Video gallery
- Media toolkit
- Widgets to post on your website
Preventing Child Maltreatment and Promoting Well-Being: Network for Action 2013 Resource Guide is now available to order. Click on the “Order One Copy” button on the site to receive yours: https://www.childwelfare.gov/preventing/preventionmonth/guide2013/index.cfm
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Polk County Early Childhood Iowa Board is beginning the review process for funding of programs for fiscal year 2014 (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014). Organizations are encouraged to apply for funding if they provide services and/or programs within Polk County and address improving comprehensive services for children ages 0-5 and their families. Programs should make positive impacts within one or more of these priority areas identified in the PCECI Community Plan:
- Parent Education and Family Support Programs
- Quality Early Learning Environments
- Physical and Mental Health Services
- Safe and Supportive Communities
Organizations interested in applying for funding for fiscal year 2014 should contact:
Barb Bremner
Executive Director
Polk County Early Childhood Iowa
1111 9th Street Suite 100
Des Moines, IA 50314
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