Early Childhood Iowa 2012 Annual Report

The Early Childhood Iowa 2012 Annual Report is available as an interactive PDF online. The report focuses on statewide data. Information is presented in three primary sections. The first includes a state-level compilation of data and information.  This section includes performance measures data from all programs that receive ECI funds from area boards.  The second section includes executive summaries from area boards.  The third section includes historical information previously included in the annual report as well as more detailed information on certain items from the report.

The annual report includes the dates from July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012. Because of the ability to share more information beyond the SFY 2012 within specific sections of the report, additional information has been included when available. Information provided beyond the state fiscal year is only included when noted within the text of the specific section.

The report can be accessed at:


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